Opening Hours



Where is The Cottage Located?

You can find us at 4 Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland, 0632.

What are the opening hours of The Cottage?

We’re open from 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday.  We’re closed on public holidays

Do you offer ECE hours?

Yes, we offer subsidised ECE hours for 3-year-olds and above.

What are your fees?

Our short day rate (7 hours) starts at $54. Our long day rate (over 7 hours) starts at $70. We provide discounts for enrolments of 3 days or more. You can get in touch with us for our fee schedule.

Do you have a discount for siblings?

Yes, we provide a 10% for one sibling and 15% for two siblings.

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Ready to Enrol?

We would love to meet you. Get in touch and enquire about spaces.